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April 20, 2010

Brown Room

Brown Room 1

Brown Room 2

Ukuran kamar yang tidak terlalu besar, tapi dengan pilihan furnitur dan skema warna yang tepat jadi kelihatan cukup lelusasa untuk tidur dan bermain..

images from:

April 19, 2010

Made by Dad

MadeByDad 1

MadeByDad 2

MadeByDad 3

MadeByDad 4

MadeByDad 5

MadeByDad 6

MadeByDad 7

MadeByDad 8

MadeByDad 9

This baby boy's nursery room is designed by his father who really cares to go through all the details in designing the room for his son... I really like this room!

images are from

April 2, 2010

YLC 3: Glamorous

YLC 3: Glamorous

I was inspired by my niece (11y). I know.. that she's not a baby anymore.. I couldn't help but wonder.. if I knew what actually she was like, she'd want this kind of nursery when she was a baby..

Anaknya centil, suka dandan, and yes.. she is glamorous!

April 1, 2010

DIY: Potty Training Chart

Potty Training Chart

Banyak ya ibu2, mama2, bunda2, yang lagi potty training anaknya. Aku nemu ini nih, a fun way to keep track of potty training your kid. And it's not only fun, but you can as well have it as a new decoration for your kid's room... Gambar2 nya bisa di download aja.. Ngga usah gambar beneran..

Caranya? Klik disini.

March 31, 2010

Parisian Teen Girl Room

Parisian Teen Girl Room 1

Parisian Teen Girl Room 2

Parisian Teen Girl Room 3

Parisian Teen Girl Room 4

Parisian Teen Girl Room 5

I read from from the source, this room is dedicated for a 16 years old young lady who studied in Paris. Dia mau design kamarnya glamour dan feminine...

March 30, 2010

Vintage Touch of a Little Girl Bedroom

Vintage Girl Bedroom 1

Vintage Girl Bedroom 2

Vintage Girl Bedroom 3

Vintage Girl Bedroom 4

Vintage Girl Bedroom 5

Vintage Girl Bedroom 6

What do you think of this for your little girl?? I like it!

images are from here

March 29, 2010

Pink and Brown Nursery

Pink&Brown Nursery 1

Pink & Brown 2

Warna dinding sebenernya cukup gelap yah untuk ruangan, tapi dengan aksen warna shocking pink dan sedikit biru dan pencahayaan yang cukup, nursery ini menjadi bagus yah!

images are from here