This baby boy's nursery room is designed by his father who really cares to go through all the details in designing the room for his son... I really like this room!
I was inspired by my niece (11y). I know.. that she's not a baby anymore.. I couldn't help but wonder.. if I knew what actually she was like, she'd want this kind of nursery when she was a baby..
Anaknya centil, suka dandan, and yes.. she is glamorous!
Banyak ya ibu2, mama2, bunda2, yang lagi potty training anaknya. Aku nemu ini nih, a fun way to keep track of potty training your kid. And it's not only fun, but you can as well have it as a new decoration for your kid's room... Gambar2 nya bisa di download aja.. Ngga usah gambar beneran..
I read from from the source, this room is dedicated for a 16 years old young lady who studied in Paris. Dia mau design kamarnya glamour dan feminine...
Warna dinding sebenernya cukup gelap yah untuk ruangan, tapi dengan aksen warna shocking pink dan sedikit biru dan pencahayaan yang cukup, nursery ini menjadi bagus yah!